Marko JunghänelMember of the Board
Having studied in Berlin and Munich, Marko Junghänel first worked as a PR consultant with a full-service agency in Munich, then with the Bavarian Youth Council (BJR) where he was head of the department of communications and PR. Since 2004 he has been working free lance as a PR consultant and editor. His customer portfolio mainly includes customers from NGOs, trade unions, media, child and youth welfare services, and culture. Since 2006 he has been in charge of communications for the German Human Rights Film Award, and since 2012 manager and coordinator of the film contest. Besides, he is also in charge of the media and PR for the Bundes.Festival.Film. (award sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth). Since 2014 he has been a member of the board of the Institute for Tourism and Development. In this capacity he is mainly involved in the communications of the organisation. “To me, tourism means to prove Thomas Mann wrong in saying that habits are like a rope: We weave one thread per day, and eventually we will no longer be able to tear it. Travel in the sense of unbiased encounter prevents habit, prejudice, and stigma“.